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Sasha 777





About US

CPI.TM – це українська крипто-компанія, яка вже більше року працює та навчає у сфері крипти. Наша команда - крипто-ентузіасти з Івано-Франківська та Києва, які почали свій шлях у крипті ще у 2020 році, бачили зльоти і падіння ринку, а в кінці 2022 року вирішили відкрити власну компанію, щоб передавати свій досвід людям, які тільки роблять перші кроки у цій сфері та внести свій вклад у створення великого та міцного українського криптоком’юніті.


Випускників нашого Mentorship


Роки досвіду в усіх нішах криптовалюти


Успішних кейсів в 13 нішах крипти


Учасників нашого Crypto Community

About US

CPI.TM - це українська крипто-компанія, яка вже більше року працює та навчає у сфері крипти. Наша команда - крипто-ентузіасти з Івано-Франківська та Києва, які почали свій шлях у крипті ще у 2020 році, бачили зльоти і падіння ринку, а в кінці 2022 року вирішили відкрити власну компанію, щоб передавати свій досвід людям, які тільки роблять перші кроки у цій сфері та внести свій вклад у створення великого та міцного українського


Випускників нашого Mentorship


Роки досвіду в усіх нішах криптовалюти


Успішних кейсів в 13 нішах крипти


Учасників нашого Crypto Community



  • What materials do you use for your products?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with shortly to clarify all the details.

  • What shipping do you provide?

    We ship orders by air and sea (UPS, FedEx). UPS and FedEx offers value-added services such as pickup and delivery options, delivery notification, and special handling options. We deliver order to the US and abroad, including Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. You can also order standard shipping within 4-5 business days.

  • How can I make an order?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with shortly to clarify all the details.

  • What length of warranty do you offer?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with shortly to clarify all the details.

  • How can I return the goods?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with shortly to clarify all the details.


  • What payment methods do you offer?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with shortly to clarify all the details.

  • Do you have any plans for big companies?

    We ship orders by air and sea (UPS, FedEx). UPS and FedEx offers value-added services such as pickup and delivery options, delivery notification, and special handling options. We deliver order to the US and abroad, including Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. You can also order standard shipping within 4-5 business days.

  • Will my company have aftersales service?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with shortly to clarify all the details.

  • Can I get exclusive offers for my company?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with shortly to clarify all the details.

  • Will my company have aftersales service?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with shortly to clarify all the details.


  • What payment methods do you offer?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with shortly to clarify all the details.

  • Do you have any plans for big companies?

    We ship orders by air and sea (UPS, FedEx). UPS and FedEx offers value-added services such as pickup and delivery options, delivery notification, and special handling options. We deliver order to the US and abroad, including Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. You can also order standard shipping within 4-5 business days.

  • Will my company have aftersales service?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with shortly to clarify all the details.

  • Can I get exclusive offers for my company?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with shortly to clarify all the details.

  • Will my company have aftersales service?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with shortly to clarify all the details.


Quantum CEO & our partners

Quantum CEO & our partners

Quantum CEO & our partners

Digital Marketing workshop lecturer

Digital Marketing workshop lecturer

Quantum Company at WebSummit